Christopher Barroccu wedding day storytelling is reserved for a sophisticated and discerning client who appreciates style, wants the very best and for whom photography is a high priority.

Christopher is known for his use of location, light, artistic eye and unobtrusive style and with his background as a freelance TV & Film Lighting Director these elements are used to create stunning images that elicit rave reviews time after time.

Christopher offers only the very finest wedding photography to his clients, which is why Christopher teams up with his award winning photographer & artist Joann who will be there on the day of your wedding shooting different angles, her signature portraits and covering parts of the ceremony which is female only. Please call or email for more information

Photobug Community Interview

This is an interview with Christopher Barroccu taken by the Photobug Community.

Photographer Spotlight Interview with Christopher Barroccu

We’re happy to introduce Chris Barroccu of Chris Barroccu Photography in today’s Photographer Spotlight Interview! Chris is a photographer that truly lives for innovation and making your wedding photos into a wonderful piece of art. It is a pleasure to showcase some of our favorite work by this incredibly creative photographer.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am very lucky to have started my career with the BBC at age 17. I spent 15 years training as a Lighting Director where picture appreciation and attention to detail was very important. This grounding and attention to detail are skills that led me into the love of the still images. Although traditional training with the moving picture I am fascinated by photography and the challenge of capturing a story in one image. I continue to work as a Lighting Director on a freelance basis working on films, dramas and soap operas in the UK, the shows I am currently working on are Eastenders, Coronation Street, Casualty, The Voice UK, Cbeebies, Jeremy Kyle Show, to name but a few. The lighting knowledge and experience leads nicely into my photography.

What are looking forward to most right now?

Currently I am very much looking forward to a wedding in Lake Garda, Italy in June, Sicily in September and Cyprus in October. All the couples are relaxed and appreciate what we do as artists so we cannot wait to take our wedding photography to the extreme.

Who and what gives you ideas and inspiration?

I get my inspiration from my father, Alban. We are a very close family and my dad is the hardest working man in the world and I am very thankful for my amazing upbringing and the person that I am today. My ideas come from my beautiful partner Joann Randles. Joann is the most talented person I know and her creative thoughts always give me a vision for our wedding photography. Very often I will ask Joann to step in during the portrait session for a bride and groom to add a sparkle of fresh creativity and another viewpoint. These collaborative shots always make the album and our website.

What are your favorite destinations locations?

We are very lucky that we have been selected to photograph in some of the most amazing locations in the world but I would say to date my favorite destination location is Lake Garda due to its light and traditional alley ways and the most saturated sunsets.

Where do you want to shoot next?

Personally there are no particular locations where I would like to shoot next but I would consider it lucky to shoot with a couple who are on the same wavelength, have a great connection, are easy going, and have an appreciation for our style. But If I had to choose I would say Venice or Paris.

How do you know you’ve done a great job for your wedding clients?

We are very lucky, we always keep in touch with all our wedding clients and we like to become their “Photographer for Life” capturing all the most memorable moments along the way. We often get tears and some of the most amazing letters, cards and emails, in which we treasure. It is this feedback and pure love for our work that fuels our inspiration and desire to strive to take the most unique and original wedding photography.

What is your creative vision? What do you desire to express with your photos?

 I work very hard to try and stand out in such a competitive and creative industry and my mission is to create the most unique wedding images out there, not copying anyone else and always remaining original. I would like to think that our wedding photography is timeless and can still be enjoyed in many years to come. If a couple can look back at their wedding images in 40 years time and still feel emotional and be able to take themselves back to that place at that time then I am very happy, and that is my motive. Putting a smile and sometimes a tear on my client’s face.

Besides weddings, what would you love to be able to photograph?

I am also a jewelry photographer. I choose a subject that I know can be quite challenging to light and capture perfectly. I like to say that my portfolio is building and I am now taking commissions from some big clients. I am also a head shot photographer for actors since I also work in the television and film industry. I am always connecting with actors to get feedback from them about the way I have lit them. This often leads to gaining commissions to photograph their main head shot for their agency.

Any direction you would like to take your photography?

I am currently working on a new site (.com) version which will be my signature site where I will only display the very best of our portfolio. The new site will uphold quality and individuality as the most important. I hope that clients from all over the world will find this site and enjoy what they see. I also have some great ideas about pre and post wedding shots that will take my brand to the next level.

Favorite trick to capture images of reluctant subjects?

Use a long lens to capture them without them knowing, then show them the images and 9 times out of 10 you get their respect. Build up a rapport and then from there your job will be easier.

Any advice for couples on how to look amazing and feel comfortable in their photographs?

Just be yourselves. Relax and enjoy.


Any advice for couples who are looking for their perfect wedding photographer?

You just know. It’s in your heart.

Thank you for sharing your work and words of wisdom, Chris!

Christopher Barroccu

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